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Ash Die-back & Public Safety


Ash die back is a growing problem around the Parish and the country. There are a number of local instances of the problem affecting local Ash trees (Fraxinus Excelsior)

In the following photographs you will see that the condition of this tree is deteriorating. The bottom photograph shows ash die-back on the road to Coombe Hill Farm taken in June and shows the upper and end foliage missing from the branch ends. The first photo shows an example of withered leaves.

Another symptom of ash die-back (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus), which is a fungal infection, is the appearance of enlarging dark grey patches showing on the trunk and bark. Eventually, the branches and twigs will start to shower down to the ground before the tree’s eventual collapse.

Property owners are reminded that they have a liability to ensure that the roads and public footpath are kept clear and that dangerous trees are made safe.

The public should also be aware of the potential danger from falling branches and collapsing trees when out walking and horse riding, particularly, during the coming winter during high winds.

It is very unfortunate that this disease this will change the scenery in our countryside especially in our locality.

For further information contact Cllr Clive Jones - email address is shown on the website

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