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Local Road News - Surface dressing


PROPOSED WORKS IN YOUR AREA – Melcombe Bingham, Ansty and Higher Ansty Dorset

Dear Sir/Madam

Dorset Council are continuing to maintain and invest in Dorset’s highway network. In recognition of the current pandemic, additional safety measures are

also being taken to ensure the health and safety of workers in these unprecedented times. We are working closely with other highway authorities across

the south west and with industry bodies to share knowledge of new ways of working. As you can appreciate this is a rapidly developing situation, so we

are doing our best to keep Dorset’s businesses and residents up to date as work progresses. The latest information on all planned road works can be

found at

The roads highlighted on the attached map for surface dressing have been rescheduled due to a very wet end to June and will now be between 5th and

25th August 2021, These sites will form a rolling programme that is weather dependent and liable to change.The works are likely to affect the

carriageway for between 1 and 3 days with in these dates.

For safety reasons, work will be carried out either under a road closure with local diversion in place or with temporary speed restrictions of 10mph and

convoy working. Signs on site will indicate the traffic management in operation. During the closure periods there will be no on street parking available.

Parking restrictions will be imposed to prevent waiting or parking on the roads stated above. Any vehicle waiting in contravention of any restriction

imposed by this Notice may be removed under the provisions of the Removal and Disposal of Vehicles Regulations 1986. If a vehicle has been towed the

owner will need to contact our towing contractors Bride Valley on 01305 889421.

Working times will be between the hours of 7am and 5pm, works will not take place at night or over the weekend. Where we know of school transport, we

will ensure this is able to pass through the site or alter working hours accordingly.

Due to the unpredictable weather, a narrower window for the work will be advertised two weeks before it’s due to start through a public notice email and

yellow advance notice boards will be placed on site two days in advance.

Businesses and local farms affected by the works will also be notified two weeks before work starts.

Access for drivers and pedestrians will be maintained where possible, however they may be asked to wait while the site is made safe before travelling


A small surplus of loose chippings will remain on the road, these will be removed by a suction sweeper around two days after the work.

If you wish to discuss any issues regarding this work, please contact us.

Yours faithfully

Steve Higgs

Site Agent

Dorset Highways 01305 228100

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