Summary of the Meeting of Hilton Parish Council on 6th July 2021 for Ansty, Higher Ansty and Melcombe Bingham and Hilton
Parish Councillors present: Justine McGuiness (Chairman), Shulla Jaques, Clive Jones, Marion Walbridge and George Sotiriadis.
Clerk: David Green
The issue of ash die-back is ongoing and may have serious consequences – please refer to the separate article by Cllr Jones.
Verge cutting will only take place once per year. If there are any issues, particularly at road junctions, these should be reported directly to Dorset Council:
Adrian Simmons will act as the Parish Council’s link for flooding advice. Residents are urged to subscribe for flooding alerts using this link:
Matters relating to Hawkes Field farm have been discussed with Dorset Council.
Arrangements for Christmas and the Queens Platinum Jubilee 2022 will be considered later in the year.
It has been agreed that a grit bin will be installed at the Hilton Hill ‘T’ junction subject to the agreement of Dorset Highways.
A Community Governance Review will be conducted by Dorset Council and the PC will consider whether any boundary changes may be appropriate.
If a local group is seeking funding for a special project, I would remind all that the Parish Council can make local grants. Please refer to the PC website for details of our policy.
Please note that this is an abridged summary of the meeting, full minutes are available on the Hilton PC website. The next PC meeting will be at The Fox Inn on Tuesday 7th September 2021 at 7 pm.
David Green, Parish Clerk (07542 928169) hiltonclerk@gmail.com