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Parish Council - Village News meeting summary September 2021


Summary of the Meeting of Hilton Parish Council on 7th September 2021 for Ansty, Higher Ansty and Melcombe Bingham and Hilton

Parish Councillors present: Justine McGuiness (Chairman), Catherine Langham, Shulla Jaques, Clive Jones, Rodney Northover, Marion Walbridge and George Sotiriadis. Cllr Jill Haynes (Dorset Council)

Clerk: David Green

The telephone box has been prepared for repainting and signage has been agreed to use this as a tourist information facility.

Ash die back is affecting several trees in the Parish, please contact Cllr Clive Jones for further information.

Planning applications P/LBC/2021/03141 and P/HOU/2021/01937 relating to Hambledon Cottage, The Knapp, Hilton, DT 0DG – these concern the formation of a new access and parking area & replacement of a septic tank. The proposal was unanimously approved by the Parish Council.

Planning applications relating to 15 Church Row and Brock Cottage Hilton will be referred to Dorset Councils Planning committee.

A Community Governance request will be made to propose that Stoke Wake and Melcombe Horsey parishes are incorporated into a larger Hilton Parish, in order to provide better representation and remove the separation of Melcombe Bingham between two parishes.

The Parish Council has commissioned traffic surveys in Hilton and Ansty/Melcombe Bingham to address a perceived problem of speeding vehicles, with the agreement and support of Melcombe Horsey parish.

The Parish Council is considering how best to celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee week-end in June 2022. There will be a public meeting concerning this on 25th September at the Old Bewery Hall.

Please note that this is an abridged summary of the meeting, full minutes are available on the Hilton PC website. The next PC meeting will be at The Fox Inn on Tuesday 2nd November 2021 at 7 pm.

David Green, Parish Clerk (07542 928169)

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